Metalworking Oils

Maxim knows Metalworking.  Maxim formulates and manufactures what we believe to be the most complete and comprehensive line of petroleum-based metalworking oils on the market today.

Conventional dark or transparent; active sulfur or inactive, chlorine free; dual purpose, tri-purpose for cutting, threading, gun drilling, hobbing, honing & grinding, as well as screw machine oils.

Please select a “DATA FILE” from the product category for complete descriptions, specifications, and performance recommendations from Maxim’s standard lines of metalworking oils.

These are the “STANDARD” lines of Maxim Metalworking oils. We also blend to customer’s specifications and application.
Your Maxim representative can make product recommendations to your specific application.

DURACUT D-SERIES CONVENTIONAL CUTTING OILS (Dark) Conventional “active” Sulfo/Lard-ester oils for difficult machining (Dark).
DURACUT C-SERIES CONVENTIONAL CUTTING OILS (Transparent) Conventional “active” Sulfo/Lard-ester oils for difficult machining (Transparent).
DURACUT EJECTOR/ GUNDRILL OILS High performance metalworking oils for deep hole drilling on difficult to machine alloys
AUTOMAX METALWORKING OILS Sulfur-inactive, chlorine-free, transparent, paraffin based oils with Sulfo-polyoleofin package for low smoke, low mist, high temp tolerance.  Applications include Aluminum and Screw machine applications.
MAXUS NC TAP w / MoS2 Heavy, honey-like viscosity, polymeric esters / Molybdenum / Free of chloro-paraffin.
DURAHONE 210-C / DURAHONE HH Honing & grinding oils.