Draw / Stamp / Forge

The industrial metal-forming campaigns of today demand high quality process oils specific to each requirement of the drawing, stamping and forging processes. From deep drawing to lighter blanking/flanging operations, and evaporative oils to cold and hot forging, we have many products to reduce friction and improve your tool and die life with EP additives and friction modifiers. Whether you are using compressive forces with hammers and dies in forging cold warm and hot operations, to tool and die stamping for punching, blanking, embossing, coring, bending and flanging, Maxim can assist you in your metal processes.

We offer chlorinated and non-chlorinated products and products in concentrate and extended forms.

Your Maxim representative can make product recommendations to your specific application.

HC EVAP VANISHING OIL Evaporative Solvent-based Fluid
DURADRAW 360 Chlorinated, Water-extendable Concentrate
DURADRAW PE-60 Drawing Compound, HD, Chlorine Free, Highly Viscous
DURADRAW PE-85 Drawing Compound, HD, Chlorine Free, Highly Viscous